Laitoin tossa 70Mhz autoantennin katolle kokeeksi. Kokeilin radiolla 1W lähetysteholla kantoi todella pitkälle jotai 10km joka on tuolla taajudella älyttömän hyvä. SWR oli 68MHz = 1 70MHz = 1.4 71MHz = vähän alle 2 Antennin olisi kuulunut lyhentää hieman. pituus on vähän yli 1m jousen kanssa. Haastavinta oli saada toi johto katon läpi ja piti tinailla jatkokaapeli siihen… Täytyy viellä käydä pistääs 4 ruuvia tuohon peltiin jotta se ei lennä tuulen mukana.
Tällä hetkellä antenni on liitetty ohjelmistovastaanottimeeseen.
After a lot googling I found the printer should work fine on Linux, but it is a PAIN TO GET WORKING!
So what i have here is a ubuntu 18.04 LTS version $ cat /etc/lsb-release DISTRIB_ID=Ubuntu DISTRIB_RELEASE=18.04 DISTRIB_CODENAME=bionic DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION=”Ubuntu 18.04 LTS”
sudo /usr/sbin/ccpdadmin -p LBP2900 -o /dev/usb/lp0 #BE Sure replace the lp0 with your printerport do ls /dev/usb mine was lp1!!!
sudo /etc/init.d/ccpd start
now the driver is installed and daemon started it still not work, it will do an error ccp send_data error, exit the reason for this error is because there is missing 32bit libs, and there is very little information about this problem, you will install libs:
EDIT! Pi-star has on latest image autoap support, use this script only if you have 8188eu wifi device.
Recently someone asked on Facebook about automated ap, I was surprised how people are not aware the system is Linux and there can basically do everything if have knowledge.
I have done this scripts what can be installed on pi-star by only one command!
1. You log in to NanoHotspot (or mmdvmpistar device)
2. then type the command: wget -O - | bash
Something good to know
Basically, the script works right away after reboot, no need config anything.
Default ssid is pistar and unencrypted wifi, you can set password by editing /home/pi-star/hostapd.conf on your home directory.
There is an existing firewall on pi-star, /etc/firewall.rules
The hotspot can be used as wifi-router if use an LTE/4G Dongle.
Scripts will only execute you don’t have a range for any known WiFI.
This is only a tool to help lazy people. don’t expect to bring a miracle to your hotspot 🙂