Uudet domainit!
Ilmoitukseksi, että uudet domainit:
on tilattu ja toiminnassa pian.
Tulevaisuudessa kaikki domainit toimii rinnakkain, ja sähköpostiosoitteeni tulee olemaan myös riku@titanix.fi
An internet blog describing everyday happenings.
Ilmoitukseksi, että uudet domainit:
on tilattu ja toiminnassa pian.
Tulevaisuudessa kaikki domainit toimii rinnakkain, ja sähköpostiosoitteeni tulee olemaan myös riku@titanix.fi
Now we have a new line (internet). A fast symmetric line gives more speed, and own ip-block with enough ip:s to get network easily running 🙂
Now titanix.net should work without 8080 port.
Now users can start rent server places from our racks or server places, or take a fast WLAN internet connection from (Finland)Pori with a static ip.
Many people have been noticed, that shell2 freesheel server is down.
YES, That is correct. Power is not connected to server at this moment. It’s only need to power on, and that is working after that.
There is lot of people who have user account there, maybe those want shell back online? i don’t know how much use that server have, so i have shutdown server last year.
But now you can leave a comment about this here! And tell your opinion about this. What more people is interested, then I’m
more interested to put it back up and running! all depends you, users. And i maybe need some help about it..
There is also new Titanix main server, to there is out of question new user accounts. Shell2 is more for non known users.
IRC is also running at irc.titanix.net channel #TITANIX for titanix talks, also #WLAN for Titanix WLAN network talks. and #placex for Finnish talk 😀
pictures of server:
you may take a look post: https://riku.titanix.net/wordpress/?p=20
EDIT2 20.4.2007:
I tried to start shell2, but there was an error, the /home hard disk does not spin up.. i don’t know what is the problem, but looks like the hard disk has broken? no use has brooked hard disk, that is very lol.