Category: Computers

Canon 2900 working on linux

Getting a canon lbp 2900 working on linux in 2018

After a lot googling I found the printer should work fine on Linux, but it is a PAIN TO GET WORKING!

So what i have here is a ubuntu 18.04 LTS version
$ cat /etc/lsb-release

First, I got the drivers from canon:

tar -zxvf linux-capt-drv-v271-uken.tar.gz
cd linux-capt-drv-v271-uken/64-bit_Driver/Debian
sudo dpkg -i cndrvcups-common_3.21-1_amd64.deb
sudo dpkg -i cndrvcups-capt_2.71-1_amd64.deb

Be aware, use your own filenames the versions are newer ones so change new version numbers there what you downloaded.

install the driver:

sudo /usr/sbin/lpadmin -p LBP2900 -m CNCUPSLBP2900CAPTK.ppd -v ccp://localhost:59787

sudo /usr/sbin/ccpdadmin -p LBP2900 -o /dev/usb/lp0   #BE Sure replace the lp0 with your printerport do ls /dev/usb mine was lp1!!!

sudo /etc/init.d/ccpd start

now the driver is installed and daemon started it still not work, it will do an error ccp send_data error, exit
the reason for this error is because there is missing 32bit libs, and there is very little information about this problem, you will install libs:

sudo dpkg –add-architecture i386
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libatk1.0-0:i386 libcairo2:i386 libgtk2.0-0:i386 libpango1.0-0:i386 libstdc++6:i386 libxml2:i386 libpopt0:i386

After installation you need to restart all services:

riku@mythtv2:~$ sudo killall ccpd
riku@mythtv2:~$ sudo systemctl restart cups
riku@mythtv2:~$ sudo /etc/init.d/ccpd start

Now you go into your cups webpage and print test page. be aware you need edit cups.conf to allow your IP if using over a network.

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QUICK TUTORIAL: Installing HUBIC on linux and mount a directory via mountpoint:
Im going trough very fast how you get hubic work on linux debian via mountpoint:

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Setting up it:

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Then continue on linux:

at the hubicfuse-master directory where you compiled the program there is a binary what will not install on system its called hubic_token.


Fill the information:


FILL EVERY QUESTION r -> r -> w -> wrd don’t leave it empty or it will FAIL!

now cut&paste those info to config file /root/.hubicfuse

nano /root/.hubicfuse

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ls /mnt/hubic

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