Author: riku

skandit ja url fiksattu


Https url pitäisi nyt toima koko blogissa, piti tietokantaan käydä hiukan läpi ja korvata kaikki vanhat osoitteet.

Samoin tuli vanhojen yli 10v postauksien skandit korjattua näkymään oikein.

Katotaan miten alkaa google haulla toimii tämä romukasa…………

Getting automated WiFi AP working on NanoHOTSpot / pi-star with 8188eu device

EDIT! Pi-star has on latest image autoap support, use this script only if you have 8188eu wifi device.

Recently someone asked on Facebook about automated ap, I was surprised how people are not aware the system is Linux and there can basically do everything if have knowledge.

I have done this scripts what can be installed on pi-star by only one command!

1. You log in to NanoHotspot (or mmdvmpistar device)

2. then type the command:  wget -O - | bash


Something good to know

Basically, the script works right away after reboot, no need config anything.
Default ssid is pistar and unencrypted wifi, you can set password by editing /home/pi-star/hostapd.conf on your home directory.
There is an existing firewall on pi-star, /etc/firewall.rules
The hotspot can be used as wifi-router if use an LTE/4G Dongle.
Scripts will only execute you don’t have a range for any known WiFI.
This is only a tool to help lazy people. don’t expect to bring a miracle to your hotspot 🙂

Here is the video how to install:

de OH1E

for more detailed information check this links: